Lesser Dunedain
Endurance: Slightly above the average human. Resistances: Normal. Special Abilities: None. Weaknesses: The statement in the MERP rulebook that "the Dunedain fear death for they
are acutely aware of their own great skills and
potential" is true to a limited degree on the Lesser Dunedain. It is mainly the Greater Dunedain that cower under the thought of their own death. Starting Languages: Westron 8/8. Depending on time and setting the dunedain use either Adûnaic (earlier ages and beginning of the third age), Sindarin (any time) or any local language from their surroundings (such as Dunael for Eriadorians or Haradaic for the southern Ithilians). Additional language ranks: 6. Professions: No restrictions. Chance of learning a spell list: 10% +stat bonus.
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